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From wheelchair to Segway PT

Here at Segway NZ it was obvious to us from Day 1 that the Segway Personal Transporter (PT) would provide superior mobility to traditional wheelchairs and mobility scooters for a very wide range of individuals. So it still surprises that so many people remain ignorant of the capability of this self-balancing machine. Sometimes even able-bodied people decline the opportunity to have a go on a PT with the excuse "Oh, I couldn't do that, I have terrible balance" (it is as if they don't understand what the words 'self-balancing' mean). All you need to do is step up on the PT and relax - the machine takes care of the rest. Which is why it is so well suited to persons who are mobility impaired. This week media in the US reported about one charity that has given away 500 Segway PTs to veterans injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here is our favourite quote, from a soldier who lost a leg: "When I go home, I'm disabled. When I take a shower, I'm disabled. When I'm on the Segway, I don't look disabled, so I don't feel disabled," Jerry Kerr, who runs the charity, broke his neck and was confined to a wheelchair until he purchased a Segway PT six years ago. Read the full article here.