Segway Golf Transporters are just about as popular on New Zealand's small-town and rural golf courses as they are in our bigger cities.
The latest convert is Stephen Halliwall, who lives in Pirongia. Historically, this town has long been a strategically important within the Waikato region. For example, during the colonial period it was located as far up the Waipa River that steam ships could travel.
Stephen's path to using his Segway Personal Transporter in a golf configuration has been a long one. He purchased a Segway PT for his elderly father to use as a mobility device about 15 years ago. At the time, his father was aged about 65, and while once a very physically active man he'd been curtailed by the onset of emphysema. Shortly after, his father was interviewed by Segway NZ News, saying:
“The Segway PT has changed my life. I’ve been an active sportsman all my years, but this disease quite suddenly confined me to my house. I wasn’t going to bee seen dead in a mobility scooter! When my son purchased the Segway PT for me it totally transformed my life. I was having trouble even walking down to the letterbox, but now I can travel into town, down to the sports club to see my mates, and basically do whatever I want when I want without having to rely on my wife.”
Segway NZ General Case Study of 100+ Segway mobility users 2004-2016.
After his father passed away, Stephen relocated the Segway PT to his home in Oamaru. He used it regularly to enjoy his commute between home and work, and it was during this period that he converted it from 'i2' to 'x2' configuration - by fitting off-road tyres to better deal with the terrain along the route.
Last year, he purchased a Segway Golf kit from Segway New Zealand, and has now fitted this to his Personal Transporter - converting it into a Golf Transporter.
Here is a photo Stephen sent us from his first day out it on Pirongia Golf Course (February 2022), reporting back with:
Hi Phil, I finally got out on the Segway for golf. Good fun, and quick evening nine holes at Pirongia Golf Club. Regards, Stephen.
Email to Segway NZ on 9 February 2022
For another example of the Segway Golf Transporter being the bee's knees for getting around rural golf courses in New Zealand check out our article Kiwi golfer loves his 'tinkered' Segway x2 Golf.