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Loomo plays Segway Polo!

Taking a lesson from New Zealand Pole Blacks' former Team Captain, Philip Bendall (2006-2009), little robot Loomo proved to be a natural on the sports field last week.
Loomo easily outplays S-plus (miniPLUS) players at the world's first Segway Robo-Polo match (Auckland, 2019)
Grasping Philip's hand-crafted custom polo mallet (made by Horse Polo's most famous composite mallet-maker George Wood), Loomo proved to be a clever and ferocious presence on the turf. Sporting more intelligence and Intel 'Real Sense' object recognition, Loomo was soon running rings around fellow players. Having little arms seemed to help, too.
Dashing young Loomo poses at post-match party for publicity photo with press
It was said that human cheering was almost overwhelmed by the frantic robotic bleeps and chirps that rang out from the sidelines, as man played side-by-side with machine. After the final goal was scored and the fourth chukka came to an end the crowd was heard to say:
"Segway Polo was the winner on the day."
poleblacksphiliproddrury2007-1.jpg Pole Blacks Rod Drury and Philip Bendall (Captain) in Auckland, February 2007 at the world’s first International Segway PT Polo match – playing USA’s Aftershocks for the Woz Cup (donated by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak).

Loomo is in-stock and ready to buy here in New Zealand only $2,795 (including GST and delivery)* Segway Polo is traditionally played on full-sized Segway Personal Transporters by teams of five-on-five. Conceived in 2004, Segway Polo became the first new international sport of the 21st century when a team made up of New Zealand tech entrepreneurs challenged the San Francisco-based pioneers to the world's first International tournament - to be held in New Zealand in February 2006. Today, teams from dozens of countries participate in this sport every year, where it has become particularly popular in Europe. Should you find yourself lacking enough full-sized Segway PTs, then you can always get out on your front lawn and have some fast-paced fun on mini-sized Segway self-balancing devices (S-Pro/S-Plus). Segway NZ even offers Segway mini-Polo as a corporate event (call 0800 2 SEGWAY to enquire or book, or email

* price does not include polo mallet, and please note your ability to train Loomo to become a world-class sportsman/woman/robot may vary