(Left) Segway x2 as part of the transportation mix on a Kiwifruit orchard in Tauranga. (Right) Inspecting grape vines in the Waikato is more productive on a Segway x2.
On the farm, orchard or vineyard the Segway x2 is a useful and practical addition to the traditional mix of vehicles used daily. Read about the use of a Segway PT on a Tauranga Kiwifruit orchard here, and about staff becoming "tremendously" more productive at a Garden Centre/Plant Nursery.
This Fieldays year, Dairy Automation Limited (DAL) is featuring the Segway Personal Transporter (PTs) - yes, the Segway x2 cross-terrain model, of course!
Segway New Zealand has had Segway PTs at many of the shows since 2004 (take a look at the last photo in this post taken that first year with Genesis Energy).
National Agricultural Fieldays 12-15 June: Segway & Dairy Automation Limited
The Southern Hemisphere's biggest agricultural trade show begins tomorrow at Mystery Creek, Hamilton. The National Agricultural Fieldays expects up to 125,000 visitors this year and more than 1,000 exhibitors.
Many Kiwi farmers as well as ex-farmers own Segway PTs. They use them to get around the farm, or their lifestyle block, or back lawn (if they've sold up the farm and become "townies"). And because a lifetime of farming can leave a person with aches, pains or injuries that cause reduced mobility, and the Segway PT is a great way to keep up with grandchildren.