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New models: SegSolutions and SegCessories

When Segway, Inc. launched the new Segway i2 SE and x2 SE models last week they also released a new range of solutions and accessories tailored for Consumers, Businesses and Patrol. We call these SegSolutions and SegCessories. SegSolutions are pre-selected packages of SegCessories designed to improve the utility of Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) used in popular, specific roles. The full range of SegCessories are also available individually so you can customise your Segway PT to your precise requirements. Segway_PT_Launch_News_Release_Image_3_24_2014_Final For Consumers (Gliders, Commuters, Adventurers, Hunters): i2 SE: $12,995 ($11,300+GST) i2 SE Commuter: $13,495 ($11,735+GST) i2 SE Commuter (with Power Pack): $13,795 ($11,995+GST) - add genuine Mossy Oak Breakup Infinity Camouflage to above models for $500 ($435+GST) x2 SE and x2 SE Turf: $13,995 ($12,170+GST) x2 SE Commuter: $14,495 ($12,605+GST) x2 SE Commuter (with Power Pack): $14,795 ($12,865+GST) - add genuine Mossy Oak Breakup Infinity Camouflage to above models for $500 ($435+GST) x2 SE Silent Hunter (with Breakup Infinity Camouflage and Cargo Cases): $15,695 ($13,645+GST) x2 SE Silent Hunter (with Breakup Infinity Camouflage, Cargo Cases and Power Pack): $15,995 ($13,910+GST) - for details about every Consumer package click this link. i2 SE Solutions For Businesses: i2 SE: $11,295+GST i2 SE Commercial Cargo: $12,495+GST i2 SE Logistics (with Storage Bins): $12,095+GST i2 SE Logistics (with Cargo Cases): $12,395+GST i2 SE Logistics (with Storage Bins and Power Pack): $12,395+GST i2 SE Logistics (with Cargo Cases and Power): $12,695+GST x2 SE and x2 SE Turf: $11,995+GST x2 SE Logistics (with Storage Bins): $12,995+GST x2 SE Logistics (with Cargo Cases): $13,295+GST x2 SE Logistics (with Storage Bins and Power Pack): $13,395+GST x2 SE Logistics (with Cargo Cases and Power Pack): $13,695+GST - for details about every Business package click this link. x2 SE Solutions For Patrol, Security and Public Safety: i2 SE Patroller (Yellow or White Shields): $12,495+GST x2 SE Patroller (Yellow or White Shields): $12,995+GST - add a pair of Waterproof Cargo Cases to any Patroller for $495+GST - for details about every Patroller model click this link. x2patroller-police