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Out with the old and in with the new

As 2016 ends and 2017 begins...
LightPath1.jpg Making history (March 2016): Segway miniPRO and Personal Transporter riders were some of the users on "Lightpath 100K Milestone Day." This was the day the 100,000th person used Auckland's recently opened shared path that encircles the CBD.'s another quote from Henry Ford:
"I will build a car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one — and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in...great open spaces."
What Ford did for family transportation, Segway are doing for personal transportation. And while you can't fit your entire family onto just one Segway miniPRO, this awesome little personal transporter is inexpensive enough for everyone can have one each. You don't even need to be making a good salary to afford a Segway miniPRO. Summer in New Zealand is the perfect time of year to enjoy hours of pleasure in our great open spaces. For example, you could ride your Segway miniPRO to the top of one volcano or another, play a bit of miniPRO Polo on the front lawn on a sunny Sunday afternoon, or challenge your family, friends or workmates to slalom games indoors, or out...
Slalom.jpg Corporate 'team building' events and group/family fun day activities on Segway miniPROs
Just think of the places you could go. Head out on an excursion, and find adventure a little off the paved path...
OffRoadminiPRO.jpg Dirt tracks, stoney trails, grass or clay or wood chips (and look - you can even go fetch a barrow filled with firewood in half the usual time). Of course, if you really want to go cross-terrain you'll want a full-sized Segway x2 SE.
Cruise into the all-electric future, or put on your best Steam Punk gear and hang out with the pioneers of personal mobility from a century or two ago....and ponder the difference 100 years makes (or the irony of how the more it changes, the more it stays the same).
EV Tesla.jpg The latest technologies, a century apart.
Take the Segway miniPRO with you wherever you go. We like to call it "the EV that fits inside an EV." The Segway miniPRO is the perfect size to put in the back seat of the ute (or, the pickup truck, as they say in America). Drop one into the front of a Tesla Model S, or jiggle two into the back of a Porsche Boxster.
UteTeslaBoxster.jpg Have you ever had this much fun in the back of a ute*? One in under the bonnet** or a couple in the boot*** (if you live in America, we're talking about *a pickup truck, the **hood, and the ***trunk).
When Dean Kamen and his team invented the Segway Personal Transporter 15 years ago they envisaged a future filled with a wide range of self-balancing designs and implementations to meet all kinds of needs. That future is here today. Call 0800 2 SEGWAY or contact us about our sharp new January 2017 deal on the Segway miniPRO. In stock now - get yours today in Black or in White.
Future.jpg FROM LEFT: photo from TIME Magazine's 2001 launch story about the Segway PT entitled "Reinventing the Wheel" (that's Dean Kamen on the Segway p133 in the background); a photo snapped outside Christchurch Library in 2016 - that day people commuted on a Segway i2, a miniPRO and a couple of kick-scooters; an example of how the miniPRO is making life easier for someone from Hamilton; the Ninebot by Segway ONE S1 electric unicycle (available in New Zealand from Q2 2017).