Purpose-built trailer to carry six Segway PTs
Are you setting off on a fair dinkum Kiwi summer holiday to one of New Zealand's thousands of beautiful beaches?
Kiwis love relaxing by the water, and there is hardly a town or city in our long, narrow nation that is more than a few dozen kilometers from a great spot to relax by the ocean or a large lake. While some of our top holiday spots are close to home, reaching many of the most treasured locations can take a car journey of at least a few hours, often along winding roads, to get to our own particular favourite slice of heaven.
Just remember to pack your essentials before you leave - togs, towel, sunscreen, Segway PT....
We know of one extended family who, between them, have five Segway x2's - and taking them on holiday over summer is one of the highlights of the year for the children and grandchildren. They have built a special trailer designed to carry up to six Segway PTs at once.
The zero-emission Segway PT is the polite, environmentally friendly way to travel that bit further and see a bit more when you reach your destination. Did you know that the Segway x2 model leaves less of a "footprint" on the sand than an actual person's footprint?
It is also a pretty nifty way to zip on down to the local takeaway shop and grab Fish & Chips for dinner.
If you don't have a Segway PT of your own this summer, why not buy one....or take a Segway Guided Tour or Fun Ride in your region.