Successful launch of BodyElectric MAX with Active Seat (Segway wheelchair)
A large crowd attended the Paraparaumu mobility device show for the launch of the BodyElectric MAX with Active Seat Steering "Segway wheelchair" that offers hands-free operation.
Many of the attendees had made a special trip to see MAX thanks to significant regional media attention about this invention by local Otaki engineer Kevin Halsall. The local Mayor opened the show, and on-the-day coverage included TV3 and the Dominion Post newspaper.
Kevin says the "secret sauce" of his patent-pending invention is its Active Seat technology that provides Active Seat Control for very responsive forward/stop/backwards control as well as Active Seat Steering for hands-free steering at the flick of a lever. He says this enables users to do things that require two free hands, while still remaining in complete control of the device. That is, they can move forward, back, and turn while completing a task with both hands. Other power chair and mobility scooters require one hand to always be used to control steering and speed. A version of MAX without the hands-free mode is also available for those who have no use for the ASS feature.
MAX also has a 'Sport Mode' that provides increased acceleration by enabling the chair to tilt further forward than in the standard mode. This will appeal to enthusiastic riders, and even opens up the possibility of users joining in playing Segway Polo. Because MAX is fitted to a Segway PT which has either standard full-size i2 tyres or larger Turf tyres, the ride is very comfortable even at high speed over rough terrain. With Turf or ATV tyres fitted, MAX is a true cross-terrain machine, capable of riding on sand and down to the beach, and over rocks, rubble and roots.
Various settings are built in to allow customisation to a variety of body shapes, sizes and weights. For example, the seat position can be moved, the spring tension changed, and the sides of the seat adjusted for width to ensure a snug fit for performance riding.
MAX also comes complete with a TriLift electric power lift for the tow-bar of your car or SUV. This makes it easy to take MAX wherever you want to go. Simply back MAX up to the TriLift and align the built-in attachment triangle, then flick a switch to raise MAX up and automatically lock it securely into place - and you're ready to drive to your destination. Unloading on arrival is just as simple - flick the switch and MAX lowers to the ground and is ready to use within a few seconds. Power it up and you're ready to go. Kevin says this is a major advantage over traditional solutions, which are large, heavy and very difficult to carry in a motor vehicle.
Kevin believes MAX will also be of interest Segway PT users with degenerative conditions who currently stand on their PTs or use other optional seating. In the future they will be able to continue using the Segway PT by removing the LeanSteer Frame and attaching MAX. It attaches with ease to any standard Segway i2 or x2 model. No modification or opening up of the Segway PT is required.
Max with Active Seat: with Turf tyres and with standard tyres (note the choice of steering controls - a joystick knob or handlebar); Kevin instructing a member of the public trying MAX for the first time; inside MAX; a Segway i2 with SegSaddle next to MAX, illustrating a possible evolutionary path for some users.