The Lion, the ditch and the Segway
Rohit Gupta uses his Segway x2 to get around his 6 hectare (10 acre) lifestyle block in Dairy Flat, Auckland.
"Originally, I purchased the Segway x2 for my teenage kids to use, to ride around the property and just have fun. I decided a Segway Personal Transporter (PT) was much safer than a quad bike or a farm motorbike."
"But I've been finding that I use it myself quite a lot. Much more than I expected, because it is so handy."
Rohit says he likes how the Segway PT starts instantly with the push of a button - even on the coldest mornings. He's also discovered that it speeds up doing some of those jobs that small block owners find so time consuming.
"For example, I put on the knapsack and go weed spraying. For spot spraying it is much faster than walking the paddocks. Also, when the knapsack becomes empty, it doesn't take me anywhere near as long to glide back to the shed to refill. So the job gets done very much faster overall."
As an electrical engineer, Rohit might well consider replacing that old knapsack with a manual pumping lever with twin spray tanks mounted on the cargo plates on either side of his Segway x2 complete with a battery operated pump. Now that would be a handy application of Kiwi ingenuity.
Rohit has been fascinated by the Segway PT since it was first announced in 2001. During the mid-2000's he'd attended a technical talk about the Segway PT and a demonstration of the e167 model to the Auckland Institute of Electrical Engineers by Philip Bendall. That night he decided he'd own one for himself one day. Back then, Segway's first cross-terrain model - the Segway XT - was yet to be released. Today, Rohit's business
Computer Fanatics Limited is a successful software company that specialises in applications for veterinarians (VETLINK), and farmers (Animal Health Plan, Equine Health Plan), as well as HAIRLINK (for Hair Salons, Beauty Clinics, Nail Bars, and Day Spas).

Rohit and his Segway x2, along with one of his two lions that guard his home