Canterbury University was the first in the Southern Hemisphere to deploy both security staff and mail delivery staff on Segway Personal Transporters back in 2006. This initiative has been so successful that today this campus operates a fleet of six Segway PTs
After six years of flawless service, the first of two HT i180 models used daily for mail has been retired and replaced by an i2. The second i180 is scheduled for replacement at the start of 2013.
Throughout this time the fleet has been maintained and supported by Graeme Gordon of
Urban Wheels, Christchurch. Wear parts such as grips and one set of tyres were replaced over this period, as well as one CSB, meaning maintenance and running costs were minimal. Batteries were replaced at the start of year five.
- University of Canterbury's new Segway i2 kitted out with custom mail and parcel bags; close-up of modified original Lower Cargo System brackets using a disc grinder so they fit i2 model
The i180s were fitted with Upper and Lower Cargo System and custom mail bags. Segway New Zealand modified these parts to fit the i2, enabling them to be reused.
Mail delivery using Segway PTs delivered dramatic improvements in productivity at the University of Canterbury. More recently, Auckland Hospital began delivering mail using a Segway PT. Ask for our published Case Studies on both of these deployments.
Another long-term user of a Segway PT at Canterbury University is the Locksmith, Ian Steele. He uses an i180 fitted with custom tool kit holders and parts bins, and says he now completes twice as many jobs in a day.