Update on Armourguard at The Base (Hamilton) and Manukau Institute of Technology Segway Patroller use
Armourguard security staff at Hamilton's The Base Shopping Mall have averaged 25km per day on their Segway i2 Patroller during the last three months, up from 19 km per day during the first six months of deployment. Putting a guard on a Segway Personal Transporter will triple their speed and enable them to cover nine times the area in the same time.
In Auckland, Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) operates two Segway Patrollers for security staff - one at each of their two campus sites. MIT was intending to purchase a third Patroller this year for it's brand new Manukau campus originally scheduled to open in July, but the collapse of New Zealand's largest construction company MAINZEAL has pushed back the opening date until mid-2014.
Since 2009 MIT has invited Segway New Zealand to train all new security staff how to ride their Segway Patrollers. This year, at our suggestion, they moved training in-house to increase operational efficiencies. By using the resources available at www.SegwaySafety.com and the experience of their permanent staff, MIT has had no difficulty in training novice security guards to safely use Segway Patrollers in their campus environment.